
Mantra for purification - Havan Mantras

Prayer for purification (Mentally touch the various parts of your body whilst reciting)

Om bhoor bhuvah swaha. Tatsavitur vareniyam.
Bhargo devasya dheemahi. Dhiyo yo naah prachodayaat.

O Lord you are the Giver of life, Remover of pains and sorrows, Bestower of happiness. May we receive the supreme sin-destroying light of the Creator of the universe. May You guide our intellect in the right direction.
Om shanno devi rabhishtaya aapo bhavantu peetaye, shmyo rabhiisra vantu nah.

May the most gracious, brilliant, all-prevading Lord be the ever for our desired happiness and perfect bliss and may His blessings be on us from all sides.
Om vaak vaak, Om praanah praanah, Om chakshuh chakshuh,
Om shrotram shrotram, Om naabhih, Om hridayam, Om kanthah,
Om shira, Om bahubhyaam yashobalam, Om karatala kara prishthe.
Om bhooh punaatu shirasi. (head)
Om bhuvah punaatu netrayoh. (eyes)
Om swaha punaatu kanthe. (throat)
Om mahaha punaatu hridaye. (heart)
Om janaha punaatu naabhyaam. (navel)
Om tapaha punaatu paadayoh. (feet)
Om satyam punaatu punah shirasi. (head)
Om kham bhrahma punaatu sarvatra. (all sides)
O Lord, the Life-Breath of all, Dispeller of miseries, Giver of true bliss, Creator of the universe, the Ultimate Reality, all-pervading God, purify and strengthen my head (powers of understanding), my eyes (powers of vision), throat and speech, heart, navel (sexual urge), feet: all the organs of my body to perform its normal functions and activity in the service of humanity.


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